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Pallet Racks

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Pallet Racks, Pallet Rack or Pallet Racking, they all mean a warehouse storage system consisting of Horizontal Load Beams, Upright Trusses, Row Spacers and Pallet Rack Decking. Industrial Shelving, Racks and Equipment is your #1 Source for all of South Florida.
With the addition of a broad family of racking accessories your pallet rack's are designed to work for your specific products and needs specifically for the efficient loading, sorting and storing of palletized loads. 

Pallets are simply used as a base for the moving about and shipping of products. Made of either plastic or wood they are used by the transportation (trucking) industry for the efficient shipping of products. Since (for the most part) the trucking industry has a uniform pallet base size and shape, once delivered the palletized products can be stored more efficiently and in much less space on pallet racks.

A.I.T. has for sale pallet racks, industrial shelving, and other industrial equipment. We deliver and install throughout South Florida and ship throughout the U.S.A.. We also are a popular pallet rack and industrial equipment supplier to all the Caribbean Islands. Any questions just phone at (954)205-4071 or click here to email us today!

Warehouse Floor Stacking Versus Pallet Racking

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You may of heard of the warehousing method called "floor stacking" or "block stacking". Some people use floor stacking or block stacking interchangeably, but they are different.

In Block Stacking pallets of product are stacked on top of one another. When placed in rows, each pallet is supported both vertically and laterally. Thus they have some protection against falling over. Stacking height is usually 2 to 3 pallets high or till a maximum weight or height is reached.

Whereas in floor stacking doesn't involve stacking pallets on top of one another, instead boxed product is stacked high till a maximum weight or height is reached.

In both floor stacking and block stacking the pallets are not placed on warehouse pallet racking. Instead product or pallets of product  are placed directly on the floor side-by-side, often times stacking them on top of each other.

Floor stacking and block stacking is perceived as the cheapest approach to warehousing products. It doesn't require the expense of a pallet racking system or any special infrastructure. The only equipment necessary is a forklift.

Why is Floor Stacking or Block Stacking MORE Expensive than a Pallet Racking System?

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This is a good example of Block Stacking, where pallets are stacked on top

Floor stacking and block stacking take up a large amount of floor space. It’s easy for your products to become buried, especially when there are mixed SKUs, and it leaves the warehouse's vertical space virtually unused. As warehouse stock grows larger the visibility to, and access to products will become increasingly difficult.

However since most businesses have to be focused on safety and the cost effective use of their space are recognising what is perceived as the "least expensive method" in the long run may not be the most effective approach. In fact, it may be costing businesses more money. Simply because most companies are recognising all the issues with utilising warehouse space. There are extreme inefficiencies with floor stacking (block stacking) products in a warehouse compared to the more efficient storage solution, pallet racking.

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This is a good example of Floor Stacking, the Problems are obvious here

Here are a few issues you should consider if you are Floor Stacking or Block Stacking

1. Floor Stacking / Block Stacking - Storage Capacity

One of the most important measures of any warehouse storage solution is the total number of pallets which can physically be stored in the available warehouse space.

The potential warehouse storage capacity for both floor stacking  and block stacking is in theory, high. Without uprights and horizontal beams, you may think you are limited only by the building height or the number of pallets you are prepared to stack on top of each other.

However, there still needs to be aisles large enough to allow for forklift movements which will reduce the storage space. The businesses picking demands dictate the number of forklifts required to meet the picking demands, and as the number of forklifts increase, the larger the aisle widths need to be.

The potential maximum height of the stacking is limited by the types of products being stored and the possibility for product to be damaged from stacking. Any damage to the products from stacking represents a significant safety risk with product collapses a real threat of injury to employees.

2. Floor Stacking / Block Stacking - Space Utilization

While Floor Stacking and Block Stacking potential capacity may LOOK relatively high, the actual space utilization in a block stacked  warehouse tends to be MUCH LOWER. 

The use of stows to manage product sku's severely limits space utilization. Especially when in some warehouses the stowed sku can be as much as 10 pallets deep.

The potential space utilization goes DOWN every time a pallet is picked as the system doesn't allow for the SKU capacity to be replenished.

Warehouse operations with floor stacking or block stacked pallets requires a significant amount of time in just moving product pallets around to improve space utilization. This is a significant cost when you take into consideration the labor and forklift costs.

3. Floor Stacking / Block Stacking - Picking Speeds

Picking Speeds with Block or Floor stacked warehouse's tend to be significantly slower than other forms of storage systems.

This is because it can be challenging to remove pallets from a stow than from a racking system carefully, and the warehouse layout may often be a little irregular causing the sku travel times to be much slower.

4. Floor Stacking / Block Stacking - Additional Forklifts Often are Necessary

  • With floor stacking or block stacking, the slower picking speeds require companies to incur the costs of increasing the number of forklifts.

  • There is a direct increase in the operating costs of the warehouse when you take into consideration all the additional forklifts that must be used...additional company costs include:

  • Additional Labor Costs including recruitment, training, employee insurance, additional government taxes

  • Additional Forklift Energy / Fuel Costs

  • Additional Forklift Servicing Costs

5. Floor Stacking / Block Stacking - Warehouse Storage Costs Incurred by using additional Third Party Storage 

When the amount of Block Storage or Floor Storage is NOT meeting the companies amount of storage required, companies must rely on third party storage to provide the additional capacity needed. Simply stated, if you are using third party storage you are paying for additional unnecessary costs for zero long term benefits. By investing the money into a better, more effective, more efficient storage system you can see significant long term benefits.

Why You Should Consider a Pallet Rack Storage Solution As Opposed to Floor Stacking or Block Stacking

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Warehouse Pallet Racking increases storage capacity by 100 to 200% over Floor Stacking

Pallet Racking delivers significant benefits over Floor or Block Stacking by eliminating many of the hidden costs and delivering a highly attractive return on investment.

  • Pallet Racks improve a warehouse's space utilization.
    Pallet Racks increase warehouse storage capacity from 100-200%. Simply put when expanding horizontally it requires a larger warehouse square footage. For warehouse expansion the cost of square footage is high.  However, when expanding vertically (by going higher), the cost is only the purchase of higher racks. Pallet racking takes advantage of all the height in the warehouse.

  • Pallet Racks eliminate the cost of using a 3rd party storage facility. The warehouse saves big when they are  not paying a monthly fee for additional storage.

  • Pallet Racks Reduce the number of Forklifts required. Since product picking is faster with pallet racks, less forklifts are needed to do the same amount of daily product picking. 

  • Pallet Racks Reduce a warehouses labor cost.
    Since product picking is faster a smaller labor force can do the same amount of daily product picking. 

  • Pallet Racks greatly improve a warehouse's picking speed. Product picking is faster with pallet racks, more product can be pulled in one day.

  • Pallet Racking reduces the number of products damaged. The weight of product on top of product on top of product,  increases product damage. Pallet racking reduces product damage by not having to stack product on top of product.

  • Pallet Racking Improves warehouse safety.
    Warehouse safety goes up with pallet racking since collapsing rows of merchandise, falling towers of product won't happen with pallet racking.

The frustration when a warehouse or industrial facility isn't organized as efficiently as it should be needs to be taken seriously. The use of a pallet rack system allows the facility to maximize the vertical warehousing space that would normally have gone unused. It means palletized, boxed or strapped together products will now go multiple stories high, utilizing all the vertical space available. Saving a large amount of horizontal room in the location.Often times the savings from eliminating lost sales due to stocking issues, lost stock and damaged stock is enough to pay for the better storage method. We offer a large variety of new and used warehouse pallet racking systems and components for differing needs, warehouse material handling systems, and all the warehouse racking accessories necessary to solve the obstacles you may run into. By installing the right pallet rack system in your facility, you will own a high-density storage system with plenty of capacity and easier access to stored warehouse loads. We offer everything from simple pallet rack systems to more innovative complex storage solutions, all at fair prices.

New & Used Pallet Racks For Sale

A.I.T.  can sell you a complete pallet rack system or just the proper pallet rack components to add on to your existing warehouse pallet racks or warehouse shelving you currently are using.

Pallet Racks can be purchased and built with either New or Used pallet racking components. When purchasing used, be very cautious you are buying your pallet racking from a reputable dealer. Lately we have seen pallet rack companies selling "Reconditioned Pallet Rack Components".

Reconditioned Pallet Rack Components, Definitely NoT!

Absolutely Not! Do not purchase any reconditioned pallet rack components. When a horizontal or vertical beam is bent, twisted, or cracked, it is impossible to repair accurately. If your used pallet racking is built with cracked, broken, or even slightly bent pallet racking components it will always be a danger. The pallet racks could even collapse under just a normal load.

 Buy Quality Used Pallet Rack Components

The used pallet racking A.I.T. sells has been thoroughly gone over for stress cracks, slight bends, broken tabs, etc. This is not done to claim the components are "reconditioned pallet rack components", they are just used pallet rack components.  A.I.T. will never paint over, fill or torch to repair used components. Any bad components found are always destroyed. 

Pallet Racks, Pallet Racking, and Pallet Shelving not only vary in sizes but they also vary from styles and make. The industry contains over 25 pallet racking styles, making it more important for us to assist you for a smooth and easy process.

With such an abundance on manufacturers and makers out a wide variety of pallet racking, it can be mighty difficult to locate and know which pallet racking style system you currently have. By attaching different styles of beams together you could be  corrupting and destroying the structural integrity and the weight ability, leading to a unsafe outcome for your workers and your pocket.

A.I.T's Pallet Racking Identification Guide will make it easier to identify what type of racking attachment you have. Make sure you order the correct racking by using our Pallet Racking Identification Guide.

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The use of a pallet rack system allows the facility to maximize the vertical warehousing space that would normally have gone unused.

AIT Carries In Stock All Pallet Rack Components

Building the perfect pallet rack system for your warehouse requires the correct pallet rack parts. A.I.T. stocks them all. All the different pallet rack components including multiple size and design horizontal beams, horizontal braces, diagonal braces, beam connectors, different height and design vertical uprights, column posts, anchor bolts, row spacers, base plates, steel or wire shelving, all components that are  needed for your pallet rack system.

All pallet rack systems are created from four basic components: Horizontal load beams, upright trusses, row spacers and pallet rack decking. With the addition of a broad family of racking accessories we customize your pallet rack design to work best for your specific products and needs.

Open on all sides, pallet rack systems are a great choice when you must be able to access all the goods on the rack without having to shift other items around. Well, designed pallet rack systems are usually deep, allowing for a large number of pallets or cartons to be stored at once. Necessary material handling equipment includes a forklift to remove and replace loaded pallets from the racking.

We provide easy guidance to help you select the warehouse pallet racking that is best for your business. We help design, specify and coordinate installation projects with our fast and easy service to get you the pallet racking you need.

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Selective Pallet Racking Is The Most Popular Storage Rack System

Selective Pallet Racking is versatile, it works as well in a warehouse storage facility as it does in a retail storage rack setting. That's why Standard Selective Pallet Racking is the most common storage rack system in the warehousing industry. Selective Pallet Rack Systems, sometimes called single deep selective pallet racking, is a virtually unlimited selection of sizes and load capacities. The efficient use of warehouse or retail floor space and easy pallet access makes Standard Selective Pallet Racks most often the way to go.

Other warehouse pallet rack styles include the Push Back Pallet Racking System, Double Deep Pallet Racks, Pallet Flow Racks, Cantilever Racking, Mobile Racking, Mezzanine Racking, Keystone Racking, Gravity Racking, Drive-In Racking, and Rivet Racking. You can see it is widely diverse pallet racking designs all designed for specific loading and unloading needs. 

Pallet Rack Decking

When searching for the right style of pallet rack, you also must also consider what shelving (called decking) you want to use with the pallet rack you chose. Each decking option can provide your rack with even more efficiency and storage potential, but which one will work for your rack?

Most people install pallet rack decking to increase safety, stability, and versatility. A pallet rack with decking is more forgiving for forklift drivers who load pallets on upper-level pallet rack locations, far beyond visual confirmation that they have the pallet square on the beams. Decking, if installed correctly, can provide forklift drivers assistance in centering the load right so that it’s safer and more stable.

The versatility of pallet rack decking is very useful. Most warehouses have multiple load types. So long as the decks are specified correctly, they can hold smaller pallets, containers, and other loads that don’t quite fit on the beams. They also allow for split cases, boxes, components, or cartons that need support to sit in the rack system. This gives them the versatility that just having pallet support lack. Pallet supports are usually used strictly to add rigidity beneath a load that may require it.

Aside from size (most deck types offer a good range of sizes), your first filter should be capacity: how much weight can your decking solution hold? You should understand your load characteristics and what it will take to carry it.

Your Pallet Rack Decking, Wire, Solid, Slotted, or Perforated? 

Pallet rack decking is made from a variety of materials, from wire mesh to perforated metal. Pallet rack decking installs onto compatible pallet rack beams to distribute the weight of items placed on the decking across the beams. The decking also stops loose items from open or split pallets or non-palletized loads from falling through the racks. This decking is used for building or upgrading pallet racks that provide organized storage for palletized loads or large containers in warehouses, distribution centers, and other storage facilities.

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Wire decking is a popular choice because it’s versatile and affordable. It can be used to store everything from boxes to full pallet loads. The wire mesh design makes it easy to see what you’re storing without having to unload everything. 

Pallet rack wire mesh decking is ideal for increasing organization and safety. It c
an change your storage system into exactly what you need to meet city safety codes and your warehouse needs. 

Pallet rack wire decking is generally made from corrugated metal, perforated metal, or wire mesh. It is placed on shelves with horizontal load beams to support loads of variable sizes and weights. To provide full pallets with more solid support we use horizontal pallet supports with wire mesh decking on top.  The horizontal pallet supports are used to support full pallet loads. Wire mesh decking is used at warehouses and manufacturing plants as a safety measure on pallet racks to prevent pallets from falling through the rack structure. Wire mesh decking complies with state and local fire codes.

Tips For Reducing Pallet Rack Safety Hazards 

Safety is our number one priority so we know every pallet rack system we sell to you is American-Made and the best quality available.  Our well-designed durable racking options are guaranteed to store your materials and products while producing a fluid, well-organized, and functioning warehouse. 
With our numerous pallet rack options, we can help you design a safety-first, quality, pallet rack unit.  

A warehouse operations pallet rack system is a critical part of the business's success. Employee safety must be your primary concern. However, after installation, these essential structures are sometimes neglected,  creating serious potential employee risks, as well as escalating property damages. 
Items stored on pallet racks are often heavy and bulky. These items require extra care and caution for storage and transportation to prevent any damage or injuries. 

Without regular inspections and repairs by qualified personnel, serious accidents from faulty or damaged pallet racking can occur. Faulty or damaged pallet racking also can void your rack manufacturer's warranty. 

Most Common Warehouse Pallet Racking Safety Issues

1. Misaligned Pallet Racking

Through normal wear and tear from years of warehouse use, racking will become misaligned. Regular inspection frequency will ensure the racking is properly aligned and all connections are good.

2. Pallet Rack Floor Fittings Loosening Up Over Time

The constant heavyweight and movement of products on the pallet racks will loosen the anchor plates over time.  Inspection and maintenance include identifying any loose or broken floor bolts, fittings, or plates and again anchoring them down with heavy anchor bolts.

3. Pallet Rack Physical Damage

Caution must be taken to make sure weight limits are not exceeded on any of the individual beams or on the complete framework.  If the weight limits of Pallet Racking are exceeded, it may cause physical damage to the pallet racks. Going beyond rack weight limits will constitute improper use voiding any warranty.  During pallet rack design and assembly, be alert to include clearance space to prevent forklift truck collisions with the pallet racking. Support employees to report all minor impacts, collisions, or any observed pallet rack damage. 

Not Sure What Pallet Racking You Need?

We offer both New and Used pallet racks, in multiple sizes and styles. We carry racks in light-duty and heavy-duty, so no matter the weight of products you are stocking, we provide the correct and safest racking with the proper weight capacities. We have some of the best Warehouse Solutions available! For more warehouse help call (954)205-4071

When adding on to an existing pall rack system you must know what pallet racking you own. Compare the ends of your own pallet racking to our chart and you will know exactly what type of racking you own. Click HERE to see the most common styles of pallet racks available so we can help you get your warehouse ready for your ever-growing business.

Do not see the racking, racking accessories, or racking components you need? Contact Us! We have your pallet racking in our warehouse waiting for you to purchase. Any and every racking component is accessible through us, so we can promise you the best service and smooth process to get your business thriving.

Full Service (Installation & Delivery)

As a Dealer/Distributor we provide full service to get the products to your location and installed quickly so you can start utilizing your space right away! Connect with us by phone at (954)205-4071 or click here to email us today!

Warehouses require certain industrial moving aids to best handle taking goods off and placing goods on the pallet racks shelving. Forklifts are best used for this task. There are different Forklifts types used for moving products. The Forklift type chosen  greatly depends on what you are moving. Forklift types include  Sit-Down Forklifts, Reach Truck Forklifts, Order Picker Forklifts, Scissor Lift Forklifts, and Container Handling Forklift Trucks.

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Pallet Racking
Pallet Jacks
Pallet Rack
Wire Decks
Single & Double Sided
Cantilever Racks
Metal Shelving
Rolling Ladders
Gondola Shelving
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A.I.T. Industrial Shelving Racks & Equipment
2719 NW 30th Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL - 33311
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